Week 3:
Moderators: Mbarek & Sharon
Guest Speaker: Graham Stanley
Welcome from Sharon and Mbarek:
By the end of this week you will have:
- learned about different blogs, wikis, podcast and Social Network providers
- explored different features of blogs, wikis, Social Networks and podcasts
- created your own blog, wiki and/or podcast
- joined a Social Network
- attended the live presentation on the topic of the week
- commented on the presentation of the week
- answered the questions of the week
- read and commented on the Week 3 readings
1. What is your definition of a blog, a wiki, a podcast and a Social Network? How are they similar/different? If you would like some ideas, take a look at the suggested readings for this week. Post your definitions and comments on our forum
There are many videos that would be interesting to explore on our Video page.
2. Visit our blog and explore the different features.
- How do you post a comment on the blog?
- How do you moderate comments?
- How do you post videos, slideshows, pictures?
- How can you customize the header?
- How do you post widgets?
- How do you invite people to contribute as collaborators and authors?
3. Also, explore our wiki. How do you...
4. Explore different blog hosts and visit some of the blogs there. Here are a few options:
5. Explore some wikis too:
6. For podcasts, a few options to explore:
7. For social networks, a few options to explore:
Also, check TOOLS on our wiki to find more suggestions.
8. And now, why not be a bit more adventurous and create your own blog, wiki or podcast? Don't forget to let the group know about it! Provide the URL so that everybody can visit and leave a comment.
- What would you like your blog or wiki to be about?
- Who is going to read it - only you? Other teachers? Your students? Other students? Anyone?
- Will you work on it alone or would you like to invite other people (students, for example) to write on it?
A few questions to think about after you've chosen a blog host:
- How do you invite other people to write on your blog?
- How do you insert photos on your posts?
- Is it possible to upload videos? What do you need to do?
Dafne, Teresa and the BaW10 Team!

TESOL Electronic Village Online (EVO)
A Project of TESOL's CALL Interest Section
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