

Page history last edited by anisoara pop 15 years ago

Week 1: Getting acquainted with Yahoo Groups. Introductions


Moderators: Anisoara Pop & Isabel Teixeira

Guest Speaker: BJ Berquist



Week 1:  January  11 - 17







By the end of this week you will have:
  • completed the diagnostic survey
  • introduced yourself to the group
  • added your profile to the participant wiki
  • added yourself to our BaW map
  • gotten familiar with the features of our Yahoo Group and wiki
  • attended the first live session at Tapped In
  • commented on the presentation of the week
  • answered the questions of the week
  • read and commented on the Week 1 readings




1. Complete the Diagnostic Survey

2. Introduce yourself to the group in no more than 100 words. Send your message to: baw10@yahoogroups.com  . Information to be included:

a. Your first and last name. You can include the name you would like to be known by.

b. Yahoo ID.

c. Institution where you work or study.

d. What you do.

e. Why you joined this group and the expectations you have.

f. Any additional info you would like to share with the group.


This intro is also to be posted to our participants' gallery wiki page. Follow the format given. It would be great if you added a small photo :-)

If you are new to wikis, you can practice in our playground


3. You can also post your picture to the PHOTOS section (menu on the left) of our Yahoo Group (YG).

4. It is now time to show the world you have joined our session.  Please go to BaW map and add yourself. You will be shown on our home page.

5. Be ready to attend our first live session. BJ Berquist will be our host at Tapped In


Tour 1: January 14 (Thursday), at 2:00 - 3:00 pm GMT 

Tour 2: January 16 (Saturday), at 7:00 - 8:00 pm GMT



Tapped In Tutorial


YouTube plugin error


You can find more about Tapped In resources at:  http://tappedin.org/tappedin/do/CalendarAction


6. Make sure you have accomplished all your tasks for week 1:

  • Select one of the readings below for week 1, and post your comments to our forum




  • Attend one of the tours at Tapped In and post your comments to the Baw blog
  • Answer week 1 questions in the YG list:
    • How do you change your mail distribution preferences at our Yahoo Group?
    • How do you post a photo to the wiki?
    • How do you join an office in Tapped In if you are at the reception? 



This is all for week 1!



TESOL Electronic Village Online (EVO)

A Project of TESOL's CALL Interest Section  


Comments (15)

Carlos Barrera said

at 11:34 pm on Jan 5, 2010

Where exactly is the YG list?

Tatiana Kobzina said

at 9:43 am on Jan 7, 2010

Dear coodinators,

Could you tell me whether these two tours to Tapped in will be similar or different in content?

Abdou said

at 7:29 pm on Jan 11, 2010

dear all
I would like to participate with you to learn and share online experience. Please help me/

isabelteixeira said

at 1:54 am on Jan 12, 2010

Carlos, YG means Yahoo Group

isabelteixeira said

at 2:00 am on Jan 12, 2010

Tatiana, usually we offer participants different times as we deal with people from many different countries and different time zones.

isabelteixeira said

at 2:01 am on Jan 12, 2010

Abdou, have you joined our Yahoo group ? If not, go to http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/baw10

anisoara pop said

at 11:05 pm on Jan 12, 2010

Abdou, we are here and I remember welcoming you to the yahoo group. You can use the http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/baw10 address to ask any question you may have. And do try to do things at your own pace starting with what the activities on this page.

Carlos Barrera said

at 9:22 pm on Jan 13, 2010

How can I participate on the live sessions? I'm already a member of Tapped In. I have been there and read about BJ Berquist's session, but there's no link or info on how to be part of it. Please help me.

Dincer Demir said

at 12:41 am on Jan 14, 2010

Answer week 1 questions in the YG list:
How do you change your mail distribution preferences at our Yahoo Group?
How do you post a photo to the wiki?
How do you join an office in Tapped In if you are at the reception?


isabelteixeira said

at 4:21 am on Jan 16, 2010

Dear Carlos, please take a look at http://baw2010.pbworks.com/LiveSessions. We´ll have another Tour today January 16 th at 19:00 (GMT). Anisoara has sent a message to the Yahoo Group with all the steps .

isabelteixeira said

at 4:23 am on Jan 16, 2010

Dear Dincer, explore the Yahoo Group , the wiki and Tapped In to answer the questions. The idea is to get used to this basic tools that wil be used along the course.Write your answers to the Yahoo Group,please.

Imam said

at 9:50 pm on Jan 16, 2010

I managed to upload a photo to the YG page,but failed to do the same in the wiki page. I alawys receive this message 'baw2010participants was edited' from PBworks Changebot" <do-not-reply@pbworks.com. I'm sure I made a misake but what is it? I don't know.Yet I'm not going to give up.

Daf said

at 7:31 pm on Jan 17, 2010

Hi Imam, your photo was huge so I reduced it and posted it next to your introduction on this page: http://baw2010participants.pbworks.com/Participants3
You can stop receiving the wiki messages by clicking on a link given at the bottom of these messages. The link says: Manage your notification settings

gilmar.mattos said

at 2:39 am on Jan 18, 2010

Dear Moderators,
Unfortunately I oculd not attend the Tapped In Sessions. Of course, I'll look for the recordings and all that. This is my second Baw so I did not answer the questions in the YG - Is it a problem? What I mean is, I recognize this CAN be a problem because what usually happens to me is : I "know" how to do things, I am a risk taker but then I may find it difficult to go through the step by step instruction; I'm, in this case, more hands on. Thank you!

anisoara pop said

at 7:49 pm on Jan 18, 2010

Hi Qilmar, don't worry about not being able to attend TI, there's a regular tour almost every week, just check the calendar. If you know the answers to week 1 questions, that's the essence, no need to write them in the yahoo group - you've reached our mutual target.

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